Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Celebrating accomplished para-athletes during Winter Games

PyeongChang, ROK - 14 March, 2018

During the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Paralympics, teammates, spectators, volunteers and media mingle in Olympic Park during evening medals ceremonies. This is a great opportunity to meet exceptional athletes and acknowledge their achievements! As flags are raised, the national anthem plays for the Gold medalist and spectators show respect.

Cross-country skiing is challenging. Imagine excelling at this sport with a visual impairment! We felt in awe of the medalists of the Women's 1.5km Sprint Classic - Visually Impaired:
Sviatlana SAKHANENKA of Belarus (Gold) with a time of 4:29.9, Mikhalina LYSOVA of Neutral Paralympic Athletes (Silver) with a time of 4:44.0, and Oksana SHYSHKOVA of Ukraine (Bronze) with a time of 4:45.6. Oksana graciously agreed to meet with our group briefly to receive personal congratulations.

We applauded Gold Medalist Andrew SOULE of USA, Silver Medalist Dzmitry LOBAN of Belarus, and Bronze Medalist Daniel CNOSSEN of USA, winners of the Men's 1.1km Sprint Sitting.

Our group of volunteers also celebrated winners of the Men's 1.5km Sprint Classic Final, Standing: Alexandr KOLYADIN of Kazakhstan (Gold), Yoshihiro NITTA of Japan (Silver), and Mark ARENDZ of Canada (Bronze). One member of our Team hails from Kazakhstan and was thrilled to spend time with her countrymen!

Daniel CNOSSEN of Team USA, Bronze Medalist, 1.1km Sprint Sitting

Andrew SOULE, Gold Medalist of Team USA, 1.1km Sitting Sprint

CNOSSEN, SOULE and Dzmitry LOBAN of Belarus, Silver Medalist

Team Australia poses with smiling volunteer!

Following medals ceremonies, live musical presentation and fireworks cap off the evening.
The weather has dramatically changed from -1C earlier this week to +11C and rain today. We have changed from wearing snow suits to removing warmer layers. Several sport events (Para Alpine Skiing Men's and Women's Slalom) will be rescheduled due to weather.

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