Sunday, March 11, 2018

Behind the scenes of the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games Opening Ceremony

A photo collage gives impressions of life behind the scenes of televised Paralympic sport...
Our small group of volunteers has been in awe of the talented performers, production staff, planners, engineers, contractors, architects, landscapers, security detail, vendors, press corps, drivers, food service, hotel managers, housekeeping, maintenance and organizers of the 2018 Paralympic Winter Games.
There is much to do by thousands of hearts and hands before athletes and coaches arrive for competition, insuring successful Games. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service, promoting Peace through Sport!

Volunteers and athletes board buses for transport to and
from functional areas and arenas
Korean police mounted and marching perform vital security service

Snow removal is a continuous process, insuring access and safety for all
Planners chose designers and artists to make Stadium Park come alive!
And more snow removal in Olympic Stadium!
Bandabi, the Asiatic black bear and mascot of
the 2018 Paralympic Games
Sooharang, the protective white tiger and mascot for 2018 Olympic Games

Serving meals to thousands of volunteers, security detail, vendors and
paid staff is a huge undertaking!

Determining where paralympians will be seated in
Level 2, Section D - our volunteer team!

Giving others a taste of Korean culture in the Stadium Park

Carved trees honoring nature displaced to build the
Stadium and Park 


Team D hamming it up after Opening Ceremonies with uber talented children's dance troop

Korean soldiers with Team D

Volunteer Team D meets expert light dancers!

Team D thanks wheelchair dancers for a splendid performance

Team D and performers in cast waiting area beneath the Stadium

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