Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Preparing for PyeongChang - A volunteer's journey

Only 79 days remain before the start of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Games!  Excitement builds among host country and international volunteers in support of the Olympic Organizing Committee and People of Korea.

Becoming a volunteer for an international sporting event requires patience and much persistence. Steps are many, including researching volunteer opportunities and requirements, submitting an online application nearly one year before the event, and review of credentials by Games Organizing Committee. If all steps are passed, the volunteer is invited to complete timed written and verbal examinations, join a SKYPE interview with a Games official, and confirm volunteer duty assignment. 

It is challenging to assemble a talented workforce of thousands of volunteers for hundreds of work roles. Unfortunately, not all applicants will be selected as Games Time volunteers.

Following successful recruitment, the international volunteer must make travel arrangements, secure accommodations, and schedule training of several phases -- online language and culture and in-country training for the Games Time assignment. Don't neglect to purchase travel and international health insurance!

The PyeongChang 2018 Volunteer must complete Korean Language Cultural Awareness Course of 31 lessons hosted by Pagoda Academy, Inc. Content includes Introduction to the Korean Alphabet, Using Public Transportation, Expressing Emotions, Volunteering, Managing Emergencies, Asking for Help and much more! Training is moderated by bilingual teachers in an interactive video format.

For instance, in the lesson Expressing Emotions, the trainee learns how to express happiness, hunger, thirst, preference for a team and athlete, and the importance of respect for elders. There is much to learn to insure a happy, safe and successful Winter Games. Together, we are a committed PASSION CREW - Ari, Ari!

“When PyeongChang welcomes all the world, it will be your smiles, and your warm welcome that people will remember forever,” said the IOC President. “Your passion will connect the world with a wonderful Korean culture and well-known hospitality. Volunteering brings out the best in us. And the Games could not happen without your participation. You are an essential part of PyeongChang 2018.