Thursday, December 21, 2017

Two Koreas -- Learning Before a Journey

I was fortunate to complete a short course offered by Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of The University of Alabama (UA) College of Continuing Studies entitled, "Korea(s): History and Contemporary Challenges." The instructor, Adamu (A.K.) Shauku, is a former US Army Korean Intelligence Interceptor and translator and currently Professor of Political Science at UA. We explored the history of the Korean peninsula, providing context for the challenges that confront the Korean people today and the unique problem of North Korea in world politics.

Students learned of the rich culture of the Korean people, influences on Korean life and politics from Shamanism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. A.K. explained the meaning of key terms (e.g., Jeong, Nam, Chaebols), how past occupation of the peninsula by other Nations affects attitudes toward their neighbors and Western powers, and effects of post-war international sanctions. Students asked many probing and thoughtful questions indicating great interest in learning more about Asia -- a great experience for a Paralympic volunteer!

South Korea topography /