Thursday, March 8, 2018

Snow Removal 101, a major focus in PyeongChang

In order to continue rehearsal before Opening Ceremonies for 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, it was necessary to resume snow removal operations. Heavy snow fell in PyeongChang last night. Stadium seats, stairwells and accessible ramps, landings, center stage, runway to the Olympic torch and media equipment were snow covered for a second day.

Volunteers joined paid staff to shovel, sweep and mop, while contractors operated heavy equipment to clear roadways. We were not daunted by the task. 

Young and old worked side by side knowing our labor will yield improved access for athletes, performers, technicians and spectators. Workers cleaned the path to light the torch as well as its base and dramatic sculpture outside the Olympic Stadium.

Tomorrow, we resume preparations, awaiting the opportunity to host athletes and their supporters from around the world. We anticipate cold and windy weather with snowfall ending by afternoon, just in time for the festivities!

More news, PyeongChang to Host Largest Winter Paralympics

Tomorrow's forecast for PyeongChang and Alpensia ski regions

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