Saturday, July 16, 2016

Olympic Games Promote Peaceful Relations Among People of the World



When faced with turmoil and conflict across the Globe, the Olympic Movement reminds us of our shared humanity. Despite differences in geography, appearance, culture and norms, we have much in common.

Support#Olympic Peace - The Olympic Movement is releasing special "messengers," doves to spread peace in hopes of resolving conflict. The dove is a universal symbol of peace and set against an Olympic color, we consider the 2016 Summer Games as a time to celebrate freedom and spirit of friendly competition.

Choose your dove and special message to share with the World via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  A few sample messages, "Peace does not keep score,"  "Together we are one," and "Peace always finishes first."

Further, read special peace stories of outstanding athletes, who overcame great odds to succeed and become images of hope. One inspirational story is that of Derartu Tulu and Elana Meyer,

"At the Olympic Games Barcelona 1992, two women gave the world an undying symbol of unity, peace and hope. Elana Meyer was the first South African to win an individual medal in her nation’s return to the Olympic family after being excluded since 1960 over its apartheid system. In the same race, Ethiopia’s Derartu Tulu won her country its first ever gold medal. Meyer ran up to Tulu and planted a kiss on each of her cheeks. The two women took a victory lap hand in hand. It was a sight almost impossible to imagine at the time. The Olympic Games helped welcome South Africa back into the Olympic family and the athletes provided a symbol of unity for the whole of Africa in a moment that will live on forever."

19 Days to the Opening Ceremony in Rio!

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